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The best lighting mimics nature
Website design
Brand identity design
‍Content creative direction


The human body has evolved to make the best use of natural light, and getting the right types of light at the right time has a big impact on how someone feels. Too often, developers of commercial and residential buildings don’t take the time to properly consider how lighting will affect the occupants. Foreglow takes a different view, and it’s this shared interest in human-centric design that made us so excited to work together.

The Right Audience

Lighting is often an afterthought for developers, who think that all lighting distributors are delivering the same mediocre products with the same big markup. Part of what Foreglow needed their new site to express is that they can help the most if they get involved in the early stages of the project, working with both architects and developers to envision the right lighting solutions and then execute them accurately, avoiding costly delays.

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Convincing developers of the benefits in efficiency, environmental impact, and cost while also convincing architects that Foreglow can preserve their creative vision was the primary factor when making design decisions for the site.